Nome do Jogador: Manucho
Nome na Camisa: MANUCHO
Clube(s): Hull City AFC
Número na Camisa: 28
Basic Settings
Age: 25 (07/03/1983)
Foot: L
Injury: A
Dribble Style: 1
Free Kick Style: 1
Penalty kick Style: 1
Drop Kick Style: 1
Growth Type: Late/Lasting
CF*, WF - Left side
Build Face
Brows = 28/-1/-3/+2
Eyes = 22/-1/-3/0/+1/3/Black 1
Nose = 7/-2/-1
Cheeks = 6/+3
Mouth = 13/+2/0
Jaw = 1/+1/+2
Type: Curly 2/1/5/1
Colour: Pattern 8
Facial Hair
Type: 112
Colour: 8
Height: 188 cm
Weight: 83 kg
Body Type: 3
Adidas +F50.07 Tunit II Pro Lite Azul/Branca
Neck Warmer: NO
Necklace: NO
Wristband: R and L, 1
Friendship Bracelet: NO
Gloves: NO
Finger Band: NO
Sleeves: AUTO
Under Shorts: NO
Socks: 2
Tape: YES
Ability (by PES2009)
80 35 88 75 81 72 85 70 78 70 67 67 63 66
81 88 78 60 60 82 79 78 79 65 50 72 4 4 4
Special Ability
Positioning / Scoring
aew cara
ResponderExcluiro manucho foi emprestado pro
He looks much older here and his stats are maybe when was Manucho 15... I watch him in Africa Cup in all matches and thats how i gave him the stats as his really very good in air and his eft foot remind me to Recoba...
Ele parece muito mais velhos aqui e suas estatísticas são talvez, quando foi Manucho 15 ... Eu assisto ele na Copa de todos os jogos e thats how i deu-lhe as estatísticas do seu realmente muito bom no ar e sua eft pé lembrar-me de Recoba ...